Prime Minister Justin |
It is a truism of the Canadian political structure that the various Ministries in government are run by the Deputy Ministers and the Assistant Deputy Ministers and that, for the most part, the Ministers are puppets.
This is a fact.
Legally, Deputy Ministers can exercise all of powers of the Minister. So, if you cannot persuade the Minister or Prime Minister in Canada to do your bidding there is always the Deputy Minister who can be persuaded by bribes or otherwise to do your dirty work for you.
Commissioner Bob |
So, if Commissioner Bob decided to investigate the corruption in the courthouse and judiciary in PEI and the Deputy Minister told him not to, then Commissioner Bob would have to follow orders, drop tools and stop the investigation.
That is the law and that is the way governments work in Canada and pretty much throughout the world.
Minister Ralph |
However, time will tell. It may well be that Minister Ralph and Prime Minister Justin are getting ready to fire Commissioner Bob and they need a new Deputy Minister in place before they it.
Minister Hunter |
We are also expecting the Deputy Minister of Justice will be replaced soon. The Department of Justice has been a centre of organized crime in Canada for several decades and the current Deputy Minister William Pentney has been part of a major cover up of crimes committed by lawyers and judges in Canada.
Pentney was appointed on November 5, 2012, "Guy Fawkes Day", by former Prime Minister Harper to replace Deputy Minister of Justice, Miles Kervan who had to be fired due to his role in the illegal strategy Department of Justice lawyers in Federal Court lawsuit T-95-08 and Federal Court of Appeal case A-343-10 that led to the murder of Canadian Federal Court of Appeal Justice Carolyn Layden Stevenson in June, 2012, and the suicide suspected murder of Department of Justice lawyer Eric Noel in July, 2012 and a whole lot of other bad stuff that is reported on the Water War Crimes Web site and not yet reported by the Canadian mainstream media.
Minister Marc |
On March 2 2016, Malcolm Brown, currently Special Advisor to the Clerk of the Privy Council on the Syrian Refugee Initiative, became Deputy Minister of Public Safety (RCMP), effective April 4, 2016. - See more at:
On March 8, 2016, Catherine Blewett, currently Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet, Government of Nova Scotia, became Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, effective June 20, 2016. - See more at:
On March 2, 2016, Michael Keenan, currently Associate Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, became Deputy Minister of Transport, effective March 14, 2016. - See more at: