Saturday, September 19, 2015

Are Prime Minister Harper's Office Staff Involved in the Plot Against Wilfred Doyle?

Prime Minister harper with RCMP Commissioner Paulson
It is difficult to know what if anything Prime Minister Harper has done in the peculiar case of Wilfred Doyle and his allegations of criminal activity by persons at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

According to Wilfred Doyle

It should also be noted that the Prime Minister's Office and all the people we mentioned were put on notice months before the crime was committed at Department of Fisheries and Oceans. And also they tried to transfered our license a year before in 2012 and someone stopped it. I do know that they attempted in October 2012 while Gail Shea was acting Minister of Fisheries in place for Keith Ashfield to transfer our license and she refused to do it. I had suspicion this is what gave Ashfield his stress attack, it almost looked like someone was trying to blackmail him at that time. The in April of 2013 somehow they convinced him to go along with it. Then Ashfield resigned from Fisheries. And then in August of 2013 thats when Harper and the PEI Conservatives fought at the get together in New Brunswick.
Judge Simon Fothergill 

The readers should understand that one of the key players in the dirty judicial conspiracy against
Wilfred Doyle included squinty eyed Simon Fothergill when he was Assistant Deputy Minister of Justice for Canada before he was moved into the Privy Council Office after his role in the June 27, 2012 murder of Justice Carolyn  Layden Stevenson of Fredericton New Brunswick was disclosed.

In December 2014, Fothergill was appointed to the Federal Court of Canada to replace Justice  Edmund Blanchard of Edmunston, New Brunswick, who died, suddenly, also on June 27, but two years later in 2014 in circumstances that suggest he was murdered also.

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